Our Current Projects

Society for Women in Rural Development (SWIRD)

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Project Brief: Uplift the quality of lives of the downtrodden women and children in remote rural belt in the Eastern part of India.
Project Steward: Jennifer Fernandes
Project Partner(s): Tuhin Chaudhuri
Project Type: Pre-Primary
Primary Focus: other

Area: Rural
More details are available on the Project Page

PNEUMA (Professional Network for the Emancipation of the Under-privileged masses) Trust

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Project Brief: Aims to provide education, shelter and health services to children affected by HIV/AIDS poor.
Project Steward: Madhura Raghavan
Project Partner(s): Paulin Rani
Project Type: Child Home
Primary Focus: other

Area: Urban
More details are available on the Project Page

Etasha Society

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Project Brief: ETASHA is a non-profit founded in 2006 with the aim to make youth from under-served communities employable and to connect them with reputable companies in the organized sector.
Project Steward: Ramya Narasimha
Project Partner(s): Meenakshi Nayar
Project Type: Vocational Training
Primary Focus: vocational training

Area: Urban
More details are available on the Project Page

Saugaht Foundation

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Project Brief: Pre-primary education for tribal children and adult literacy for parents in rural Jharkhand
Project Steward: Aditi Chandarana
Project Partner(s): Jitendra Pandey
Project Type: Pre-Primary
Primary Focus: children of dalits/tribals

Area: Rural
More details are available on the Project Page

Digambarpur Angikar

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Project Brief: Pre-primary education for infants (3-6 yrs) of socially excluded communities
Project Steward: Andrew Shapiro
Project Partner(s): Swapan Mandal
Project Type: Pre-Primary
Primary Focus: children from slums
Secondary Focus: children of dalits/tribals
Area: Rural
More details are available on the Project Page

Institute of Social Work (ISW)

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Project Brief: Non-formal education centres in and around Kolkata
Project Steward: Anitha S
Project Partner(s): Nupur Sanyal
Project Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers
Primary Focus: children from slums
Secondary Focus: dropouts
Area: Urban
More details are available on the Project Page